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OGN for THR 260 °C

The SCHURTER OGN fuseholder is a classic that has been continuously improved and expanded with new variants. The THT variant was followed by one for SMT assembly. In 2022, SCHURTER launched a third option that closes the last gap: THR (Through-Hole Reflow). This is now available in a high-temperature version up to 260 °C.

Highly integrated electronic circuits are almost exclusively assembled with SMT components and soldered in the reflow oven. However, it is often necessary to include THT components on the PCB. This has a decisive disadvantage: THT components need to be soldered differently, making a second soldering process necessary.

The solution: THR
In fact, THR components are through-hole components. They are specially designed for automated assembly and high thermal stress – usually 245 °C – in the reflow oven. After lead-containing solders were banned, new alloys had to be found. However, these almost always have a significantly higher melting point, so that temperature peaks of well over 250 °C are no longer uncommon during the reflow process. For this very reason, SCHURTER is expanding the THR version of the OGN fuse holders with a variant that is reflow-resistant up to 260 °C.

OGN: the classic
The OGN open fuseholder is designed for a wide range of 5x20 fuses. It naturally complies with the stricter rules for glow wire resistance in accordance with IEC 60335-1. If required, it can be converted into a closed fuse holder using an optionally available cover.

SCHURTER OGN for THR fuseholder
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